Fast Kill – Reduction I

Installation with found objects (insecticide can, metal scrap, soil), equilateral triangle table / 60 x 60 x 60 x 137 cm

Fast Kill is part of an on-going series of landscape reductions installed on equilateral tables as parts of a larger Buckmeister Fuller’s map projection are attempts to get hold of a territory; not as lands with their own ecologies and cultures, but as challenges to be conquered by technological ingenuity and manly daring. Fast Kill deploys a strategy of a technological control.

“Such attitudes provide Maridet with a constant source of fascination; self-validating epistemological errors and blind faith in technology that have often led to disastrous consequences. Where knowledge and mastery over nature becomes subject to an insufficient understanding of the nature of knowledge and power. “The major problems in the world are the result of the difference between how nature works and the way people think” (Gregory Bateson).
Some of these ideas are further encapsulated in a series of territorial “reductions” compiled out of artefacts and raw materials collected over the course Maridet’s expedition. Presented like triangular sections of Buckminster Fuller’s Dymaxion map, Maridet refers to these meta-landscapes not as “lands with their own ecologies and cultures, but as challenges to be conquered by technological ingenuity and manly daring.””
(Nadim Abbas, Blindspot Gallery exhibition catalogue, 2016)